White Wines

Wine Dog White

Crisp and dry LaCrescent wine with a nice finish.

Around $15 per bottle.

DeKalb White

Dry, white grape blend of Frontenac Gri and LaCrescent.

Around $15 per bottle.


Sweet/tart fun blend of French and American hybrid grapes.

Around $15 per bottle.

Sunset Table Wine

Semidry Frontenac Gri featuring 1930 Ford Truck label with original winery partners.

Around $15 per bottle.

Waterman White

Semisweet LaCrescent, hint of apricot flavor.

Around $15 per bottle.

DeKalb County Niagara

Floral bouquet, sweet and delicious grape flavor.

Around $15 per bottle.

*Special discounts available on purchases.

Handcrafted Wines

White wines ranging from dry to sweet are available for you to enjoy!

Unique reds are presented as either dry or sweet, oak aged or fruit forward.

Fresh, fruity flavors with seasonal availability.